Bryoni Trezise and Caroline Wake, eds. Visions and Revisions: Performance, Memory, Trauma (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2013)
Visions and Revisions is a collection of essays edited by Bryoni Trezise and Caroline Wake. Read individually, they are impressive and as a collection, quite compelling, but the subtext of all, and certainly the preoccupation of several, is human beings’ ongoing cruelty to others. In seeking to explore the various ways in which we might enact, embody, perform, commemorate, intervene or take responsibility for terrible histories and current cruelties the effects and affects of which extend into our everyday, this collection also—to paraphrase Bryoni Trezise—reminds us of the potential for falling into a repertoire of behaviours, in order only to produce ourselves—the readers—as ethical subjects. Reading these essays, I found myself constantly having to get up and move around—to walk away—to wrestle with the many ideas, emotions and considerations that these essays evoked, and to consider again, as Helena Grehan points out in her essay, ‘the complexities of responsibility, judgment and suffering in situations of extreme conflict’ (99).
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