The Resistances of the Body: On Durational Art and Tehching Hsieh

Mike Parr, Edward Scheer


This talk and the interview with Mike Parr were presented as part of the Durational Aesthetics salon, held in Sydney on 17 May 2014 in association with the Tehching Hsieh: One Year Performance 1980–81 exhibition at Carriageworks and the Experimental Humanities project at UNSW Australia. The Tehching Hsieh installation comprised the documents the artist produced (photographs, film, time cards, statements) as part of his Time Clock Piece, and ran from 29 April to 6 July 2014 at Carriageworks. The Experimental Humanities project is a collaborative research project funded by the Australian Research Council and headed by Professor Stephen Muecke, Professor Edward Scheer, and Dr Erin Brannigan to investigate cross over between creative arts and humanities discourses and practices.

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(2008): 195–201.

Scheer, Edward. ‘Australia’s Post-Olympic Apocalypse? Mike Parr’s Kingdom Come and Other Actions (2001-

’, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art 30.1 (2008): 42–57.


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