No 18 (2023)

The Art of Subsidy / The Subsidy of Art

Cover Page

Edited by Chris Hay, Izabella Nantsou, and Lawrence Ashford.

Click through for Performance Paradigm 18.

Articles by: Julian Meyrick, Izabella Nantsou, Gareth Belling, Kathryn Kelly & Tessa Rixon, Jane Woollard & Davina Wright, Julie Holledge, Sean Weatherly, Alex-Vickery Howe & Tiffany Knight, Vahri McKenzie, Denise Thwaites & Cathy Hope, and Molly Mullen, Mark Harvey, Jessie Anderson & Elise Sterback.

Funding for this issue was provided by the Australian Research Council through the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award scheme (DE200101426).

Cover image shows the former RUMPUS theatre in Bowden, South Australia, and is used with generous permission of the company. RUMPUS is currently taking a gap year, but information about the company can be found on their website.