Conversive Theatres: Performances with/in Social Media

Misha Myers, Dane Watkins, Richard Sobey


What does the use of social media offer in terms of participation in theatre, where audiences are invited to interact with and contribute to content of narrative worlds played out live within transmedial participatory communications landscape? Who is creating these worlds? How are participants’ own lived experience, personal worlds, narratives, and content involved in the creation of those worlds? Does participation and interaction via social media within such theatre lead to new forms of authorship and of authored work? Do particular methods of participation and interaction within transmedial theatre problematise what might constitute active or productive engagements? Do they prioritise some content contributions over others? Considering these questions, this paper explores how the ‘logic of sharing’ (Artieri 2012) that is implicit within participatory media may be understood within transmedial theatre and performance works that employ social media generally, and Twitter specifically, as an arena of performance and for building or extending narrative worlds of a performance to multiple, dispersed and simultaneous arenas or beyond the space and time of a physically located event. 

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