Editorial: Performance and Radical Kindness
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Dennis, Rea. 2021. “Our Body Recognises Kindness: Moving, Nature and Labours Unacknowledged.” Performance Paradigm 16, 251-270.
Ehn, Erik. 2021. “Still Small: Contemplation in Action.” Performance Paradigm 16, 74-98.
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Grehan, Helena. 2019. “Slow Listening: The Ethics and Politics of Paying Attention, Or Shut Up and Listen.” Performance Research 24:8, 53-58.
Guzzanti, Paula. 2021. “Documentary Screendance-making as a Practice of Kindness.” Performance Paradigm 16, 218-226.
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Harper, Sarah. 2021. “Tenderness Between Strangers: Intimate Exchanges on Banlieue Wastelands.” Performance Paradigm 16, 235-250.
Haughton, Miriam. 2021. “As Much Graft as There is Craft: Refusal, Value and the Affective Economy of the Irish Arts Sector.” Performance Paradigm 16, 40-59.
Hunter, Kate. 2021. “Compassionate Irritability: Interdisciplinary Collaboration as an Act of Kindness.” Performance Paradigm 16, 271-279.
Johnston, Daniel. 2021. “Ibsen's Phenomenology of Kindness: Self and Other in The Wild Duck.” Performance Paradigm 16, 132-148.
Kaa, Hirini and Emma Willis. 2021. “Teaching the Totality of a Person: Manaakitanga, Kindness and Pedagogy: An interview with Dr Hirini Kaa.” Knowledge Cultures 9:3 forthcoming Dec.
Korporaal, Astrid. 2021. “Gathering Through the Image: A Performative Kind of Kinship.” Performance Paradigm 16, 99-115.
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Longley, Alys. 2021. “The Other Country that You Are: A Performative Essay and Video Work exploring Radical Kindness in the Chilean Peoples Uprising of 2019.” Performance Paradigm 16, 199-217.
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Zisman, Laine Halpern. 2021. “Circus, in Crisis: Examining Care and Community in Circus Training.” Performance Paradigm 16, 116-131.
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