Moving South: The Reconceptualisation of Dance Research in the 2020s

Erin Brannigan, Siobhan Murphy, Tia Reihana-Morunga


This issue of Performance Paradigm, “Moving South: The Reconceptualisation of Dance Research in the 2020s”, edited by Erin Brannigan, Siobhan Murphy, Tia Reihana and Emma Willis, is the result of an open call asking: What model of Dance Studies might be relevant in our local context, encompassing Australia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific, in the 2020s? How can we embed distinctiveness in our work and enhance dance research in a way that reflects and responds to our communities? The answer to our call shows how dance research that is in dialogue with our changing local conditions can enhance understanding of society's political, cultural, aesthetic and social complexities. When such complexities are advanced by the people to whom the knowledge belongs, the reclamation and re-animation of what dance means can support culture's growth, visibility and vibrancy.

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